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易卖工控网(www.ymgk.com)提供”A6120工业传感器探头”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:EPRO、型号:A6120、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:180天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。

本文深入分析DCS通讯系统的常见故障以及解决方案,并且根据其应用特点提出了相应的预防措施和经验总结,对DCS系统健康稳定运行具有重要的理论和实践指导意义。A6120工业传感器探头 常见通讯故障及解决措施01 节点总线故障 节点总线材料通常是同轴电缆,所以只要有一处电缆断开,总线上所有设备的通讯都会瘫痪,会造成数据丢失、设备骤停以及操作中断等严重现象,终可能直接或间接地造成巨大损失。同轴电缆的频繁拔插会导致接触不良,造成信号中断。过大的接触电阻也会对通讯线路造成影响,传输数据负载较大会导致数据准确性降低。 A6120工业传感器探头 为解决以上问题,可以采用双冗余设置,但电缆连接要处于模块后方,以保证同轴电缆不受机械运行过程中产生的不利影响。只有在维护节点总线时进行拔插,无其他特殊情况禁止多次拔插。要确保线路接触电阻处于正常水平,并且定期检查线路电阻情况。 02 现场总线故障 现场总线材料为双绞线,现场总线连接的设备是生产工艺一线设备,能够直接影响到生产过程。由于它处于核电生产现场,工作环境恶劣,因此受到各种不利因素的干扰极大,包括生产过程中对其接触,受环境和机械设备的影响会导致现场总线发生变形,A6120工业传感器探头 加之母线接触不良,所以发生故障的可能性较大,对DCS通讯系统的影响也较大。 通过现场实际情况可以采用双冗余设置,在接口上增加一对通信线路,增加线路传输数据的可靠性和准确性。现场总线和设备的连接部位较为敏感,因此必须保证连接的可靠性。在拆卸和安装现场总线时,要保证连接部分牢固可靠,并且进行使总线分支处于不受机械设备印象的位置,保障DCS通讯线路的安全。 03 地址标识故障 就地组件和总线接口的地址标识出错时,整个通信网络将陷入混乱。会出现下载和更新程序故障、地址符号混乱、数据无法寻址和关机事故等事故。此外,人为错误地址标识的改变还会导致数据包丢失等情况,对DCS通讯系统造成毁灭性的影响。 因此,要在修改组件之前提前关闭系统,及时刷新配置数据。 04 UCN电缆故障 控制器与现场测量仪器设备之间的数据读取,以及执行数据发送都是通过UCN电缆完成的。一旦UCN电缆报警,并且不能及时对发生故障的电缆进行维修,导致两根或多根UCN电缆发生故障时,会使整个生产工艺造成严重影响,有可能会引起其他连锁反应,引发严重的生产事故。 因此,应该重视UCN电缆的保护以及日常维护,在没有额外预算的情况下,可以通过自身技术力量完成该故障的预防。对此可以在UCN电缆周围加装隔离网、保护罩等隔离措施,能够有效降低发生UCN电缆故障的概率。将机房外部的影响因素清除,能够保障DCS通讯系统的稳定运行,保证了生产设备的正常运行。 05 远程站通信故障 由于系统远程站的冗余通信的结构特点,在正常情况下,电子室的主通讯卡是绿灯常亮状态下,红灯也保持常亮状态;而备用通讯卡只是常亮绿灯,并没有红灯提示警告等,操作人员在此期间无法对上述设备进行操作或更改组件参数,否则会导致跳闸停机。 在装置运行中,更换终端板的风险比较。由于终端板的安装位置一般都比较差,但是相对需要注意的是端子板的电源与其他卡件端子板的电源是通过串联方式连接的,在更换之前,必须确保电源电路是处于闭环状态,如果没有形成闭环,则必须增加导线形成闭环回路,否则当更换终端板时将导致其他一些卡件的终端板断电,造成不必要的后果。VMIC的VMIVME-7740是一款完整的基于奔腾III处理器的计算机 单一Eurocard结构的额外好处以及与 VMEbus规范C.1版。VMIVME-7740,具有级VMEbus接口 以及双端口到VMEbus的RAM,是多处理器应用程序的理想选择。 单个CPU板用作标准PC/AT,执行PC/AT类型 开机自检,然后启动MS-DOS、Windows 95、Windows NT或任何其他兼容PC的操作系统。VMIVME 7740的标准PC功能包括 如本手册3章所述。 VMIVME 7740也作为VME总线控制器运行,并与其他 VMEbus模块通过板载PCI到VMEbus桥和Endian转换 硬件 VMIVME-7740可以作为VMEbus从板进行访问。VME总线功能 可通过对VMIVME-7740的PCI到VMEbus桥进行编程来获得 本卷和/或专用于 可选PCI到VMEbus接口板,标题为:VMIVME-7740 Tundra Universe 基于Iim_的VMEbus接口产品手册(文件编号500-007740-001)。 在本手册中,所有对宇宙II的引用都是指宇宙IIB。 VMIVME 7740编程器可以快速轻松地控制所有VME总线 只需链接到VMEbus中断和控制函数库即可实现功能。 此库可与VMIC的VMISFT-9420 IOWorks Access软件一起使用,用于 Windows NT用户。 VMIVME 7740还提供了超出典 PC/AT兼容SBC,包括通用定时器、可编程 看门狗定时器,一个可引导的闪存磁盘系统,和非易失性SRAM。这些功能 使该单元成为嵌入式应用程序的理想选择。这些非标准PC/AT功能 在本手册4章中进行了讨论。GE VMIC VMIVME-7740-850(零件号350-007740-850L)是一款性能VMEbus模块卡,专为在恶劣的工业环境中使用而设计。它是通用电气VMEbus系列产品的一部分,为数据采集、处理和控制应用程序提供了一个强大而灵活的平台。本手册由以下章节和附录组成: 1章-VMIVME-7740功能和选项介绍了底座的功能 单元,然后描述在 VME总线。 2章-安装和设置描述了拆包。硬件跳线检查 的设置、连接器定义、安装、系统设置和操作 VMIVME-7740。This article provides an in-depth analysis of common faults and solutions in DCS communication systems, and proposes corresponding preventive measures and experience summaries based on their application characteristics. It has important theoretical and practical guidance significance for the healthy and stable operation of DCS systems. Common Communication Faults and Solutions 01 Node Bus Fault Node bus material is usually coaxial cable, so as long as one cable is disconnected, communication between all devices on the bus will be paralyzed, causing serious phenomena such as data loss, equipment sudden stop, and operation interruption, which may ultimately cause huge losses directly or indirectly. Frequent plugging and unplugging of coaxial cables can lead to poor contact and signal interruption. Excessive contact resistance can also have an impact on communication lines, and a large transmission data load can lead to a decrease in data accuracy. To address the above issues, dual redundancy settings can be used, but the cable connection should be located behind the module to ensure that the coaxial cable is not adversely affected by mechanical operation. Only unplug and unplug when maintaining the node bus, and multiple unplugs are prohibited unless there are other special circumstances. Ensure that the contact resistance of the circuit is at a normal level and regularly check the resistance of the circuit. The material of the 02 fieldbus fault fieldbus is twisted pair, and the equipment connected to the fieldbus is the frontline equipment of the production process, which can directly affect the production process. Due to its location in the nuclear power production site and harsh working environment, it is greatly affected by various unfavorable factors, including contact with it during the production process, deformation of the field bus caused by environmental and mechanical equipment. In addition, poor contact of the bus makes it more likely to malfunction and has a greater impact on the DCS communication system. Based on the actual situation on site, dual redundancy settings can be adopted, adding a pair of communication lines on the interface to increase the reliability and accuracy of data transmission by the lines. The connection between the fieldbus and the device is relatively sensitive, so it is necessary to ensure the reliability of the connection. When disassembling and installing the field bus, it is necessary to ensure that the connection part is firm and reliable, and to keep the bus branch in a position that is not affected by mechanical equipment, to ensure the safety of the DCS communication line. When the address identification of the local component and bus interface fails, the entire communication network will be in chaos. Accidents such as download and update program failures, confusion of address symbols, inability to address data, and shutdown accidents may occur. In addition, changes in address identification caused by human error can also lead to packet loss and have a devastating impact on the DCS communication system. Therefore, it is necessary to shut down the system in advance and refresh the configuration data in a timely manner before modifying components. The data reading and execution of data transmission between the 04 UCN cable fault controller and on-site measurement equipment are completed through the UCN cable. Once the UCN cable alarms and the faulty cable cannot be repaired in a timely manner, resulting in the failure of two or more UCN cables, it will have a serious impact on the entire production process and may cause other chain reactions, leading to serious production accidents. Therefore, attention should be paid to the protection and daily maintenance of UCN cables. Without additional budget, the prevention of this fault can be achieved through our own technical strength. Isolation measures such as installing isolation nets and protective covers around UCN cables can effectively reduce the probability of UCN cable failures. Removing external influencing factors from the computer room can ensure the stable operation of the DCS communication system and ensure the normal operation of production equipment. 05 Remote Station Communication Fault Due to the redundant communication structure of the remote station in the system, under normal circumstances, the main communication card in the electronic room is in a green light always on state, and the red light also remains constantly on state; However, the backup communication card only keeps the green light on and does not have a red light to indicate a warning. During this period, operators are unable to operate or change component parameters on the above-mentioned equipment, otherwise it may cause tripping and shutdown. The risk of replacing the terminal board during device operation is relatively high. Due to the generally poor installation position of the terminal board, it is important to note that the power supply of the terminal board is connected in series with the power supply of other card terminal boards. Before replacement, it is necessary to ensure that the power circuit is in a closed loop state. If a closed loop is not formed, additional wires must be added to form a closed loop circuit. Otherwise, when replacing the terminal board, it will cause the power supply of other card terminal boards to be cut off, Causing unnecessary consequences. The VMIVME-7740 of VMIC is a complete computer based on the Pentium III processor, with the additional benefits of a single Eurocard structure and compatibility with the VMEbus specification, version C.1. VMIVME-7740, with advanced VMEbus interface and dual port to VMEbus RAM, is the ideal choice for multiprocessor applications. A single CPU board is used as a standard PC/AT, performs PC/AT type POST, and then starts MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows NT, or any other compatible PC operating system. The standard PC functions of VMIVME 7740 include those described in Chapter 3 of this manual. The VMIVME 7740 also operates as a VME bus controller and can be accessed as a VMEbus slave through on-board PCI to VMEbus bridge and Endian conversion hardware VMIVME-7740, along with other VMEbus modules. The VME bus function can be obtained by programming the PCI to VMEbus bridge of VMIVME-7740 and/or dedicated to the optional PCI to VMEbus interface board, titled VMIVME-7740 Tundra Universe based on Iim_ VMEbus interface product manual (document number 500-007740-001). In this manual, all references to Universe II refer to Universe IIB. The VMIVME 7740 programmer can quickly and easily control all VME buses by simply linking to the VMEbus interrupt and control function library to achieve functionality. This library can be used in conjunction with VMIC's VMISFT-9420 IOWorks Access software for Windows NT users. The VMIVME 7740 also offers an ultra classic PC/AT compatible SBC, including a universal timer, programmable watchdog timer, a bootable flash disk system, and non volatile SRAM. These features make the unit an ideal choice for embedded applications. These non-standard PC/AT functions are discussed in Chapter 4 of this manual. GE VMIC VMIVME-7740-850 (part numbers 350-007740-850L) is a high-performance VMEbus module card designed specifically for use in harsh industrial environments. It is part of the General Electric VMEbus series of products, providing a powerful and flexible platform for data acquisition, processing, and control applications. This manual consists of the following chapters and appendices: Chapter 1- VMVME-7740 Functions and Options introduces the functional units of the base, and then describes them on the VME bus. Chapter 2- Installation and Settings describes unpacking. Hardware jumper check settings, connector definition, installation, system settings, and operation VMIVME-7740.

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