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ABB CI840A 3BSE041882R1

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ABB TU847 3BSE022462R1

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易卖工控网(www.ymgk.com)提供”HONEYWELL模拟量模块51404170-175驱动作用”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:HONEYWLL、型号:51404170-175、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:180天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。

通过插入侧面的连接器将电池组连接到电源。由于 YDIA 具有内置软启动功能,可控制电源应用中的电流涌入,因此不必在电源与电缆断开的情况下插入此连接器。HONEYWELL模拟量模块51404170-175驱动作用

  使用 ToolboxST 应用程序根据需要配置 YDIA。

  YDIA 直接连接到 TBCI 或 STCI 端子板。YDIA 通过单工端子板上的单个 DC-37 针连接器接收。JR1连接器用于单工操作;JR1 和 JS1 用于 Dual 操作;JR1、JS1 和 JT1 用于在具有 TMR 功能的终端板 (TBCI) 上进行 TMR 操作。


  YDIA 中包含以下连接器:

  离散输入端子板通过底部的 DC-37 针连接器直接连接到 YDIA 包。

  主要系统接口是电池组一侧标有 ENET1 的 RJ45 以太网连接器。

  冗余或辅助系统接口是标有 ENET2 的盒子侧面的二个 RJ45 以太网连接器。

  电池组和接线板由电池组侧面的 28 V 直流电源连接器供电。HONEYWELL模拟量模块51404170-175驱动作用

  IS220YDIAS1A是通用电气公司生产的Mark VIe系列离散触点输入I/O模块。

  IS220YDIAS1A 的板载电源的标称电压为 28.0 VDC。

  触点输入和触点润湿输出的大额定电压为 32 VDC。

  IS220YDIAS1A 及其 CE 标志均已通过 UL 认证。


  此 I/O 模块适用于温度范围为 -35 至 +65 摄氏度的环境。

  在 IS220YDIAS1A 上,共有 24 个干接点电压输入通道。



  接触润湿电压输入端用于计算输入阈值。在大多数应用中,该电压通常经过调整以提供 50% 的输入阈值。

  IS220YDIAS1A 特点




  在所有输入端,提供高达 1500 V 的光电隔离。


  4 ms 60 Vrms 硬件滤波器,50/60 Hz @ 125 V 直流激励

  出于控制目的,扫描速率由系统确定。对于事件序列监控,使用 1,000 Hz 的扫描速率。

  厦门雄霸可帮助您天候 24/7 满足 Mark VIe 要求。如果您需要任何其他信息,请联系 我们


  什么是 IS220YDIAS1A?

  IS220YDIAS1A 是 GE 开发的 Mark VIes Discrete Input Pack。


  30 到 65 摄氏度。




  WOC 提供 IS220YDIAS1A 以及其他涡轮机控制产品。联系控制世界。

转速( CKP )凸轮轴位置( CMP )传感器的作用和类型


  发动机转速传感器也称曲轴位置传感器(图a) ,装于飞轮壳上或曲轴的前端,有些老式的发动机




  凸轮轴位置传感器(图b )装于凸轮轴的前端或后端,老式的发动机装于分电器内,其作用是

  给ECU提供曲轴转角基准位置(一缸压缩 上止点)信号,作为控制单元计算喷油时间和点火时






  1、转速传感器在测量机械设备的转速时,被测量机械的金属齿轮、齿条等运动部件会经过传感器的前端,引起磁场的相应变化,当运动部件穿过霍尔元件产生磁力线较为分散的区域时,磁场相对较弱,而穿过产生磁力线较为几种的区域时,磁场就相对较强;Connect the battery pack to the power supply by inserting it into the connector on the side. Due to the built-in soft start function of YDIA, which can control current inrush in power applications, there is no need to plug in this connector when the power supply and cable are disconnected.

Use the ToolboxST application to configure YDIA as needed.

YDIA is directly connected to the TBCI or STCI terminal board. YDIA is received through a single DC-37-pin connector on the simplex terminal board. JR1 connector for simplex operation; JR1 and JS1 are used for Dual operations; JR1, JS1, and JT1 are used for TMR operations on terminal boards (TBCIs) with TMR functionality.


YDIA includes the following connectors:

The discrete input terminal board is directly connected to the YDIA package through the DC-37-pin connector at the bottom.

The main system interface is the RJ45 Ethernet connector labeled ENET1 on one side of the battery pack.

The redundant or auxiliary system interface is the second RJ45 Ethernet connector on the side of the box labeled ENET2.

The battery pack and wiring board are powered by the 28 V DC power connector on the side of the battery pack.

IS220YDIAS1A is a Mark VIe series discrete contact input I/O module produced by General Electric Company.

The nominal voltage of the onboard power supply for IS220YDIAS1A is 28.0 VDC.

The maximum rated voltage for contact input and contact wetting output is 32 VDC.

IS220YDIAS1A and its CE mark have both passed UL certification.

Both hazardous and non hazardous environments are suitable for use.

This I/O module is suitable for environments with a temperature range of -35 to+65 degrees Celsius.

On IS220YDIAS1A, there are a total of 24 dry contact voltage input channels.

In order to connect the terminal board input to the control logic, the discrete input acquisition board provides a second layer of signal conditioning and level conversion. The wiring board provides initial signal conditioning. A comparator with configurable thresholds is used in the discrete input acquisition input circuit.

Threshold variable

The contact wetting voltage input terminal is used to calculate the input threshold. In most applications, this voltage is usually adjusted to provide a 50% input threshold.

IS220YDIAS1A Features

Number of relay channels

There are a total of 24 dry contact voltage input channels.

Isolation of inputs in the package

Provide photoelectric isolation up to 1500 V at all input terminals.

Input filter AC voltage suppression

4 ms 60 Vrms hardware filter, 50/60 Hz @ 125 V DC excitation

For control purposes, the scanning rate is determined by the system. For event sequence monitoring, use a scan rate of 1000 Hz.

Xiamen Xiongba can help you meet Mark VIe requirements 24/7, 24/7. If you need any other information, please contact us

Frequently asked questions

What is IS220YDIAS1A?

IS220YDIAS1A is a Mark VIes Discrete Input Pack developed by GE.

What is the ambient temperature range of the component?

30 to 65 degrees Celsius.

How many relay channels are there on this IO module?

There are 24 dry contact voltage input channels on the component.

How to obtain IS220YDIAS1A?

WOC provides IS220YDIAS1A and other turbine control products. Connect to control the world.

The function and type of the CKP camshaft position (CMP) sensor

1. Function

The engine speed sensor, also known as the crankshaft position sensor (Figure a), is installed on the flywheel housing or at the front end of the crankshaft, and some old-fashioned engines

(For example, the Toyota 8A engine) is installed inside the power distributor, and its function is to measure the speed and angle of the crankshaft or power distributor shaft, and provide it to the ECU

Provide engine speed signals and crankshaft angle signals as the main control signals for fuel injection and ignition control, as shown in the following figure.

Installation position of speed sensor

The camshaft position sensor (Figure b) is installed at the front or rear end of the camshaft, and the old-fashioned engine is installed in the power distributor, its function is to

Provide ECU with

The crankshaft angle reference position (top dead center of the first cylinder compression) signal is used as the control unit to calculate the injection time and ignition time

Auxiliary signal between.

The function of the speed sensor is to:

1. The engine speed sensor, also known as the crankshaft position sensor, is one of the most important sensors in the electronic fuel injection engine control system. The function of the engine speed sensor is to detect the engine speed, which can determine the position of the crankshaft, detect the top dead center signal of the piston and the crankshaft angle signal, and transmit the detected signal to the ECU for controlling the ignition timing and fuel injection timing;

2. The structure and working principle of the engine speed sensor and camshaft position sensor are basically the same, and mutual cooperation is necessary to ensure the normal operation of the engine. Usually installed together, usually in the power distributor, mounted on the gearbox clutch housing, at the front or rear of the crankshaft, using a pulse signal type speed sensor to measure the engine speed. Some are installed on the front end of the crankshaft, the front end of the concave wheel shaft, or the flywheel, and the specific installation position depends on the type of engine speed sensor;

3. Engine speed sensors can be divided into three types based on the principle of signal generation: magnetic induction, photoelectric, and Hall type. Electromagnetic induction speed sensors are divided into 2-wire or 3-wire systems, while the common Hall type speed sensors are 3-wire systems. The two wires are the power line and the AC signal line, while the third wire of the three wires is the AC signal shielding wire, which is connected to the ground. Operating principle of speed sensor:

1. When measuring the speed of mechanical equipment using a speed sensor, the metal gears, racks, and other moving parts of the measured machinery will pass through the front end of the sensor, causing corresponding changes in the magnetic field. When the moving parts pass through the area where the magnetic field lines generated by the Hall element are relatively scattered, the magnetic field is relatively weak, while when passing through the area where the magnetic field lines generated are relatively few, the magnetic field is relatively strong;

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