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  • 81001-196-02-R工业控制板卡的特性
  • 81001-196-02-R工业控制板卡的特性
  • 81001-196-02-R工业控制板卡的特性
  • 81001-196-02-R工业控制板卡的特性
  • 81001-196-02-R工业控制板卡的特性


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易卖工控网(www.ymgk.com)提供”81001-196-02-R工业控制板卡的特性”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:A-B、型号:81001-196-02-R、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:180天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。

其原因可能是因为长期磨损,也可能是长期不用而锈蚀老化。如该生产线窑尾料球储库上的布料行走车来回移动频繁,而且现场粉尘较大,所以接近开关触点出现变形、氧化、粉尘堵塞等从而导致触点接触不好或机构动作不灵敏。对于这类设备故障的处理主要体现在定期维护,使设备时刻处于完好状态。对于限位开关尤其是重型设备上的限位开关除了定期检修外,还要在设计的过程中加入多重的保护措施。81001-196-02-R工业控制板卡的特性 过程控制系统本身是一个完整的系统,所以在分析故障或处理故障时也要注意系统性,单独的对某一部分的优化有时并不能提高系统的整体性能。如过分追求元器件的精度而不考虑实际的需要以及和相关设备精度的匹配,将徒然增加系统成本。在日常维护中也有过把系统越改越复杂的现象,如采用复杂的控制方式和设备来实现本可以用简单装置来实现的控制,违背了经济、简单、实用的原则,并可能会增加故障率,这也是要注意的地方。
In the whole PLC control system, the site is the most prone to failure, and the site is the most prone to failure in the following aspects.

1. The first type of fault point is also the most fault point) in relays and contactors

For example, in the daily maintenance of the PLC control system of a production line, 81001-196-02-R工业控制板卡的特性 the largest consumption of electrical spare parts is various relays or air switches. In addition to the quality of the product itself, the main reason is that the site environment is relatively bad. For example, the contacts of contactors exposed to the production environment are easy to ignite or oxidize, and gradually heat and deform until they cannot be used. All on-site control boxes of the production line are made of panels and cabinets with good tightness, and the service life of its internal components is significantly longer than that of other open panels and cabinets. Therefore, to avoid such failures, high-performance relays should be selected as far as possible, and the use environment of components should be improved to reduce the frequency of replacement and reduce the impact on system operation.

2. The second type of fault frequently occurs on equipment such as valves or rams

Because the relative displacement of the actuator of such equipment is relatively large; Or the transmission structure is complex, and if the mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and other links are not in place, errors or faults will occur. Under long-term operation, if there is no operation and maintenance, it is easy to cause jamming, blocking and leakage of valve body parts. Therefore, when the system is running, it is necessary to strengthen the patrol inspection of such equipment and timely handle the problems found. Our factory has established a strict point inspection system for such equipment, regularly checking whether the valve is deformed, whether the actuator is flexible and available, and whether the controller is effective, which well ensures the effectiveness of the entire control system.

3. The third type of fault point may occur on some elements or equipment in switch, limit position, safety protection and field operation

The reason may be due to long-term wear, or corrosion and aging due to long-term use. For example, the distribution cart on the kiln tail ball storage of the production line moves frequently, and the dust on the site is large, so the contact of the proximity switch is deformed, oxidized, and blocked by dust, resulting in poor contact of the contact or insensitive action of the mechanism. The treatment of this kind of equipment failure is mainly reflected in regular maintenance to keep the equipment in good condition at all times. For limit switches, especially those on heavy equipment,in addition to regular maintenance, multiple protection measures should be added in the design process.

4. The fourth kind of fault point may occur in the sub-equipment of PLC system

Such equipment as junction box, wire terminal, bolt and nut, etc. The causes of such failures are not only related to the manufacturing process of the equipment itself, but also related to the installation process. For example, some people think that the tighter the wire and screw connection is, the better, but it is easy to cause difficulties in disassembly during secondary maintenance, and it is easy to cause damage to the connector and its nearby components during heavy disassembly. Long-term sparking and corrosion are also the causes of the failure. According to engineering experience, such failures are generally difficult to find and repair. Therefore, the installation and maintenance of the equipment must be carried out according to the installation process required by the installation, without leaving any hidden danger of the equipment.

5. The fifth type of fault points are sensors and instruments

This kind of fault is generally reflected in the abnormal signal in the control system. When installing this kind of equipment, the shielding layer of the signal line should be reliably grounded at one end, and should be laid separately from the power cable as far as possible, especially the frequency converter output cable with high interference, and software filtering should be carried out inside the PIC. The discovery and handling of such failures are also related to routine patrol inspection. Problems found shall be handled in time.

6. The sixth type of fault is mainly the noise (interference) of power supply, ground wire and signal wire

The solution or improvement of the problem mainly depends on the experience in engineering design and observation and analysis in daily maintenance.

In order to reduce the failure rate, it is very important to pay attention to the process and safety operation procedures of the factory, abide by the process and safety operation procedures in daily work, strictly implement some relevant regulations, such as maintaining the environment of the centralized control room, etc.,












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