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易卖工控网(www.ymgk.com)提供”45C9GES501W48V018092输入输出模块APC备件”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:APC、型号:GES501W48V0180、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:180天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。


IS200SPIDG1ABA反射内存交换机ACC-5595 反射内存HUBHUB-5595 GE反射内存交换机,GE反射内存集线器,反射内存交换机反射内存报价PCI5565 PCI-5565  PMC5565 VMIC5565 反射内存 反射内存卡 GE反射内存 ACC-5595,VMIACC-5595,GE交换机,GE集线器,反射内存报价 GE代理 反射内存代理
GE反射内存代理 GE PCI5565 GE反射内存卡PCI5565系列反射内存卡,PCI-5565PIORC光纤反射内存订购信息PCI-5565PIORC-110000 128MB反射内存卡 PCI接口PCI-5565PCI-5565PIORC-111000 单模光纤45C9GES501W48V018092输入输出模块APC备件 GES501W48V0180,GES501W48V0180,GES501W48V0180

PCI-5565PIORCPCI-5565PIORC-210000 256MB反射内存卡  多模光纤 256M反射内存卡PCI-5565PIORC-211000 256MB反射内存卡  单模光纤 PCI-5565PIOPMC5565接口反射内存卡,光纤反射内存,超高速反射内存订购信息PMC-5565PIORC-110000 128MB反射内存卡 多模光纤接口PMC5565PMC-5565PIORC-111000 单模光纤反射内存PMC5565PMC-5565PIORC-210000 256MB反射内存卡   多模光纤反射内存PMC-5565PMC-5565PIORC-211000    单模光纤PMC5565PIORCPCIE接口反射内存,

45C9GES501W48V018092输入输出模块APC备件 GES501W48V0180,GES501W48V0180,GES501W48V0180

PCIE5565  PCIE-5565 PCI-5565RC-110000PCIE-5565PIORC-100A00PCIE-5565PIORC-200A00PCIE-5565RC-100000 PCIE5565反射内存卡PCIE-5565RC-200000 PCIE-5565 128M反射内存反射内存交换机ACC-5595 反射内存HUBHUB-5595 GE反射内存交换机,GE反射内存集线器,反射内存交换机反射内存报价PCI5565 PCI-5565  PMC5565 VMIC5565 反射内存 反射内存卡 GE反射内存 ACC-5595,VMIACC-5595,GE交换机,GE集线器,反射内存报价 GE代理 反射内存代理PCI接口反射内存卡

45C9GES501W48V018092输入输出模块APC备件 GES501W48V0180,GES501W48V0180,GES501W48V0180


订购信息 PCI-5565PIORC-110000 128MB反射内存卡 多模光纤 PCI-5565PIORC-111000 128MB反射内存卡 单模光纤 PCI-5565PIORC-210000 256MB反射内存卡 多模光纤 PCI-5565PIORC-211000 256MB反射内存卡 单模光纤 Ordering Information PCI-5565PIORC-110000 128 MByte Memory, Multimode Transmission PCI-5565PIORC-111000 128 MByte Memory, Single Mode Transmission PCI-5565PIORC-210000 256 MByte Memory, Multimode Transmission PCI-5565PIORC-211000 256 MByte Memory, Single Mode Transmission PMC接口反射内存卡订购信息 PMC-5565PIORC-110000 128MB反射内存卡 多模光纤 PMC-5565PIORC-111000 128MB反射内存卡 单模光纤 PMC-5565PIORC-210000 256MB反射内存卡 多模光纤 PMC-5565PIORC-211000 256MB反射内存卡 单模光纤 Ordering Information PMC-5565PIORC-110000 128 MByte Memory, Multimode Transmission PMC-5565PIORC-111000 128 MByte 45C9GES501W48V018092输入输出模块APC备件 GES501W48V0180,GES501W48V0180,GES501W48V0180

Memory, Single Mode Transmission PMC-5565PIORC-210000 256 MByte Memory, Multimode Transmission PMC-5565PIORC-211000 256 MByte Memory, Single Mode Transmission CPCI接口反射内存订购信息 CPCI-5565PIORC-110000 128MB反射内存, 多模光纤 CPCI-5565PIORC-111000 128MB反射内存, 单模光纤 CPCI-5565PIORC-210000 256MB反射内存 多模光纤 CPCI-5565PIORC-211000 256MB反射内存 单模光纤 Ordering Information CPCI-5565PIORC-110000 128 MByte Memory, Multimode Transmission CPCI-5565PIORC-111000 128 MByte Memory, Single Mode Transmission CPCI-5565PIORC-210000 256 MByte Memory, Multimode Transmission CPCI-5565PIORC-211000 256 MByte Memory, Single Mode Transmission Ordering Information 光纤HUB 反射内存HUB VMIACC-5595-208 多模 VMIACC-5595-280 单模 实时仿真系统案例 实时仿真系统搭建 反射内存卡使用 反射内存卡测试源码 反射内存卡DOS版驱动程序ACC-5595反射内存集线器PCI-5565PIORC-111000目前反射内存网为广泛的应用是在实时仿-真系统,在这种系统中各个功能模块划分得十分清楚。行。这使得多个员工合作快速开发出一个健壮的系统成为可能。 当然反射内存卡有更多的应用领域,这种可...
VMIACC-5595-208 ACC5595集线器 5595系列网络集线器,是反射内存网络数据交互的核心。 1到8口可配置。 可插拔收发器支持单模或者多模模式。 1x8口或者2&n...
成立于2007年,从事军工相关电子产品开发设计与加工,短波通迅电台,超短波电台。PCI5565 PCI-5565系列反射内存卡,半实物仿-真系统开发,板卡定制化开发。主要经营GE反射内存卡,国产反射内存...
PCI-5565PIORC-110000 128MB反射内存卡 多模光纤 PCI-5565PIORC-111000 128MB反射内存卡 单模光纤...

CPU 模块有几种不同的 CPU 模块可供选择处理能力、内存大小和冗余支持。每个 CPU 模块是配备用于通信的内置以太网端口与其他控制器和交互与操作员、工程师、经理和更高层次的应用。这些端口可以为那些情况下的冗余配置可用性至关重要。也是配备两个 RS-232C 端口,可用于点对点通信编程/调试工具和第三方系统和设备。AC 800M 控制器可配置为紧凑型控制生成器。—通讯和 I/O 模块对每个 CPU 模块,多个通讯可以添加 I/O 模块,例如:• 额外的 RS-232C 端口• PROFIBUS DP、PROFINET IO• 设备网• IEC 61850• 以太网IP• MasterBus 300• MODBUS TCP• S100 输入/输出• S800 输入/输出• S800L 输入/输出• 用于以太网的 S800— AC 800M 处理器单元SB821 外部电池- AC 800M内存备份SB822 可充电外部电池- AC 800M内存备份TB850 cex总线终结者TB851 cex总线终结者TB807 模块总线终结者插头TB852 RCU链路终结者插头TB853 RCU控制链路终结者插头TK850 cex总线延长线TK851 RCU Link电缆TK853TK855 RCU数据链路电缆TK856 RCU控制链路电缆TK212A工具电缆DSBC173ADSBC174DSBC176 CI801CI830CI840CI840ACI920CI920A200-APB12200-ACN200-RACNRPBA-01NPBA-12FPBA-01RETA-02FENA-11MNS iS CI871LD800 DN CI873TB820TB840TB840ADSBC 174 DSBC 176CI851PROFIBUS DP接口模块TP851 PROFIBUS DP接口端子CI852 现场总线H1接口模块TP852 现场总线H1接口端子CI853 RS-232C接口模块TP853 RS-232C接口端子CI854 PROFIBUS DP接口模块CI854A PROFIBUS DP接口模块TP854 PROFIBUS DP接口端子CI855 主控总线300的以太网接口模块TP853 主控总线300的以太网接口端子CI856 S100 I/O接口模块TP856 S100 I/O接口端子CI857 INSUM接口模块TP853 INSUM接口端子CI858 驱动总线接口模块CI871 PROFINET IO接口模块TP867 PROFINET IO接口端子CI872 MOD5接口模块TP858 MOD5接口端子CI873 以太网/IP接口模块TP867 以太网/IP接口端子SD821 电源单元SD822 电源单元SD823 电源单元SD831 电源单元SD832 电源单元采用线性可变差动变压器工作方式(Linear variable Differential Transformer ,简称LVDT),将预先需要测量的物理量转换成直线位移,比如拉伸、膨胀、直径、锥度、厚度、偏心度、差压、液位、力、重量。由于其具有无滑动触点、功耗低、分辨率高、频率高、重复性好、可靠性好、使用寿命长等优点,因而被广泛应用于高温、高湿、粉尘、烟气等恶劣环境。主要用来监测汽轮机机壳膨胀、液压油缸活塞定位、阀门位置和材料试验机。




3.输出方式:4mA-20mA;1VDC-5VDC;-5VDC _ +5VDC;0VDC_-10VDC


5.工作储存环境:温度-55℃-150℃   相对湿度<95%(无冷凝)


SG-2振动传感器KR-939B型风机安全运行监控器,KR-939B3型风机安全监控器,KR-939B4型风机安全监控器,KR-939B4-4型设备安全监控器,KR-32型双通道设备安全监控器,KR-34四通道设备安全监控器,KR-939NCS型风机转速频率表VB-Z500B 旋转机械状态监测保护表,VB-Z412双通道轴位移/胀差监测仪,VB-Z410/410A轴位移/差胀监测仪,VB-Z430F双通道轴承振动监测仪,VB-Z430 双通道轴承振动监测仪VB-Z720 双通道水机摆度监测仪,VB -Z730 双通道水机振动监测仪,VB-Z420双通道轴振动监测仪,VB-Z470B壁挂式正反转监视仪,VB-Z470正反转监测仪,VB-Z440转速监测仪XZD-LG型两线制转速变送器ZSBS-2Quote of reflective memory PCI5565 PCI-5565 PMC5565 VMIC5565 reflective memory reflective memory card GE reflective memory ACC-5595, VMIACC-5595, GE switch, GE hub, Reflective memory quotation GE agent Reflective memory agent PCI interface Reflective memory card ordering information PCI-5565PIORC-110000 128MB Reflective memory card multimode fiber PCI-5565PIORC-1110000 128MB Reflective memory card single-mode fiber PCI-5565PIORC-210000 256MB Reflective memory card multimode fiber PCI-5565PIORC-2110000 256MB Reflective memory card single-mode fiber ordering information PCI-5565PIORC-110000 128 MByte Memory, Multimode Transmission PCI-5565PIORC-111000 128 MByte Memory, Single Mode Transmission PCI-5565PIORC-210000 256 MByte Memory, Multimode Transmission PCI-5565PIORC-211000 256 MByte Memory, Single Mode Transmission PMC interface reflective memory card ordering information PMC-5565PIORC-110000 128MB reflective memory card multimode fiber PMC-5565PIORC-1110000 128MB reflective memory card single-mode fiber PMC-5565PIORC-210000 256MB reflective memory card multimode fiber PMC-5565PIORC-2110000 256MB reflective memory card single-mode fiber ordering information PMC-5565PIORC-110000 128 MByte Memory, Multimode Transmission PMC-5565PIORC-1110000 128 MByte Memory, Single Mode Transmission PMC-5565PIORC-210000 256 MByte Memory, Multimode Transmission PMC-5565PIORC-2110000 256 MByte Memory, Single Mode Transmission CPCI Interface Reflective Memory Ordering Information CPCI-5565PIORC-1110000 128MB Reflective Memory, Multimode Optical Fiber CPCI-5565PIORC-1110000 128MB Reflective Memory, Single mode optical fiber CPCI-5565PIORC-210000 256MB reflective memory Multi mode optical fiber CPCI-5565PIORC-2110000 256MB reflective memory Ordering Information CPCI-5565PIORC-110000 128 MByte Memory, Multimode Transmission CPCI-5565PIORC-1110000 128 MByte Memory, Single Mode Transmission CPCI-5565PIORC-210000 256 MByte Memory, Multimode Transmission CPCI-5565PIORC-2110000 256 MByte Memory, Single Mode Transmission Ordering Information Fiber HUB Reflective Memory HUB VMIACC-5595-208 Multimode VMIACC-5595-208 Single mode Real time Simulation System Case Real time Simulation System Building Reflective Memory Card Using Reflective Memory Card Testing Source Code Reflective Memory Card DOS Version Driver ACC-5595 Reflective Memory Hub PCI-5565PIORC-111000

At present, the most extensive application of reflective memory network is in real-time emulation system, in which each functional module is clearly divided. that 's ok. This makes it possible for multiple employees to work together to quickly develop a robust system. Of course, the reflective memory card has more applications. This can

ACC-5595 reflective memory switch

VMIACC-5595-208 ACC5595 series network hub is the core of reflective memory network data interaction. 1 to 8 ports are configurable. The pluggable transceiver supports single mode or multi-mode mode. 1x8 port or 2&n

Supply GE reflective memory card PCI-5565PIORC-110000

Founded in 2007, engaged in the development, design and processing of military related electronic products, short wave communication radio and ultra short wave radio. PCI5565 PCI-5565 series reflective memory card, hardware in the loop simulation real system development, board customization development. Mainly engaged in GE reflective memory card, domestic reflective memory

Supply VMIPCI5565 reflective memory card

PCI-5565PIORC-1110000 128MB reflective memory card multimode fiber PCI-5565PIORC-1110000 128MB reflective memory card single-mode fiber


The reflective memory network is different from the general communication mode, but its price and cost are always high. It cannot be as low as the traditional network, which limits the application of reflective memory. In some cost sensitive systems, it can only complement the conventional network. But reflective memory is easy to use


At present, the most extensive application of reflective memory network is in real-time emulation system, in which each functional module is clearly divided. Computer responsible for data collection, model calculation, image display and data output

The CPU module has several different CPU modules for selection of processing power, memory size and redundancy support. Each CPU module is equipped with a built-in Ethernet port for communication with other controllers and interacts with operators, engineers, managers and higher level applications. The availability of these ports can be configured for redundancy in those situations is critical. It is also equipped with two RS-232C ports, which can be used for point-to-point communication programming/debugging tools and third-party systems and equipment. The AC 800M controller can be configured as a compact control generator. - Communication and I/O module For each CPU module, multiple communication can add I/O modules, such as: • Additional RS-232C ports • PROFIBUS DP PROFINET IO • DeviceNet • IEC 61850 • Ethernet IP • MasterBus 300 • MODBUS TCP • S100 I/O • S800 I/O • S800L I/O • S800 for Ethernet - AC 800M processor unit SB821 external battery - AC 800M memory backup SB822 rechargeable external battery - AC 800M memory backup TB850 cex bus terminator TB851 cex bus terminator TB807 module bus terminator plug TB852 RCU link terminator plug Head TB853 RCU control link terminator plug TK850 cex bus extension TK851 RCU Link cable TK853TK855 RCU data link cable TK856 RCU control link cable TK212A tool cable DSBC173ADSBC174DSBC176 CI801CI830CI840CI840ACI920CI920A200-APB12200-AN200-RACNRPBA-01NPBA-12FPBA-01RETA-02FENA-11MNS iS CI871LD800 DN CI873TB820TB840TB840TB840ADSBC 174 DSBC 176CI851PROR FIBUS DP interface module TP851 PROFIBUS DP interface terminal CI852 Field bus H1 interface module TP852 Field bus H1 interface terminal CI853 RS-232C interface module TP853 RS-232C interface terminal CI854 PROFIBUS DP interface module CI854A PROFIBUS DP interface module TP854 PROFIBUS DP interface module TP855 Ethernet interface module of master bus 300 TP853 Ethernet interface terminal of master bus 300 CI856 S100 I/O interface module TP856 S100 I/O interface terminal CI857 INSUM interface module TP853 INSUM interface terminal CI858 drive bus Interface module CI871 PROFINET IO interface module TP867 PROFINET IO interface terminal CI872 MOD5 interface module TP858 MOD5 interface terminal CI873 Ethernet/IP interface module TP867 Ethernet/IP interface terminal SD821 power supply unit SD822 power supply unit SD823 power supply unit SD831 power supply unit SD832 power supply unit adopts linear variable differential transformer (LVDT for short), Convert the physical quantities to be measured in advance into linear displacement, such as stretching, expansion, diameter, taper, thickness, eccentricity, differential pressure, liquid level, force and weight. Because of its advantages such as no sliding contact, low power consumption, high resolution, high frequency, good repeatability, good reliability and long service life, it is widely used in harsh environments such as high temperature, high humidity, dust and smoke. It is mainly used to monitor turbine casing expansion, hydraulic cylinder piston positioning, valve position and material testing machine.

The LVDT series produced by Chijie Company are mainly divided into DC series and AC series.

1. Power supply: 10VDC-30VDC; ±5VDC-±15VDC,-24VDC

2. Range: 0mm-25mm or 0mm-500mm

3. Output mode: 4MA-20mA; 1VDC-5VDC;- 5VDC _ + 5VDC; 0VDC_- 10VDC

4. Nonlinear error: <± 0.5%

5. Working and storage environment: temperature - 55 ℃ - 150 ℃, relative humidity < 95% (non condensing)

CIJ13700 thermal expansion sensor

SG-2 vibration sensor KR-939B fan safety operation monitor, KR-939B3 fan safety monitor, KR-939B4 fan safety monitor, KR-939B4-4 equipment safety monitor, KR-32 dual channel equipment safety monitor, KR-34 four channel equipment safety monitor, KR-939NCS fan speed frequency meter VB-Z500B rotating machinery status monitoring protection table, VB-Z412 dual channel shaft displacement/differential expansion monitor, VB-Z410/410A shaft displacement/differential expansion monitor, VB-Z430F dual channel bearing vibration monitor, VB-Z430 dual channel bearing vibration monitor, VB-Z720 dual channel water turbine swing monitor, VB-Z730 dual channel water turbine vibration monitor, VB-Z420 dual channel shaft vibration monitor, VB-Z470B wall mounted forward and reverse rotation monitor, VB-Z470 forward and reverse rotation monitor, VB-Z440 speed monitor XZD-LG two-wire speed transmitter ZSBS-2

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