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ABB CI840A 3BSE041882R1

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ABB TU847 3BSE022462R1

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易卖工控网(www.ymgk.com)提供”ABB PFTL101A1.0KN3BSE004166R1”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:ABB、型号:PFTL101A1.0KN3BSE004166R1、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:180天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。

PFTL101A1.0KN3BSE004166R1处理数据是机器的强项。多年以前分析较大规模的数据需要动员许多具备0业知识的人共同参与,还往往耗时良久,而现在,遍及全球的互联网与传感网时刻都在生成海量的、多维的数据,依靠人脑无法有效处理,而用计算机来分析,也就是0眨眼的事。借助机器的力量,人们可以更快地由现象抽取规律,由规律导出结论。而今,AI与大数据的结合ABB PFTL101A1.0KN3BSE004166R1 PFTL101A,3BSE004166R1,PFTL101A1ABB PFTL101A1.0KN3BSE004166R1 PFTL101A,3BSE004166R1,PFTL101A1ABB PFTL101A1.0KN3BSE004166R1 PFTL101A,3BSE004166R1,PFTL101A1ABB PFTL101A1.0KN3BSE004166R1 PFTL101A,3BSE004166R1,PFTL101A1ABB PFTL101A1.0KN3BSE004166R1 PFTL101A,3BSE004166R1,PFTL101A1



同样道理,机器翻译工具可以给出词语的释义,甚至帮我们逐字逐句翻译每句话,但如果是现场即听即译的情况下,逐字逐句翻译既没有必要,也不太可能,因为倾听、辨识、翻译、选择词句都需要思考,但倘若翻译者很了解发言者,也知道之前他曾经讲过类似的话题,就会比较省力,很多时候,发言者讲了很长0段话,翻译者只用0两句成语就能概括与传达准确的意旨;反之,发言者只是说了0个与学术相关的句子,翻译者可能既要表达原意,还要添加注释,来让周边的非0业听众能够明白——这是0属于人的Generate and Test(半猜测半验证)能力,AI并不具备。





另外,很多人受到科幻电影的影响,因为机器变得越来越智能而恐慌,对此我倒不太担心——刀、锯,甚至汽车、飞机都可以拿来做坏事,但正常状态下,这些工具对人类来说大多有着至关重要的正面价值。真正决定其用途的,是背后的使用者。况且,人类自古以来就在持续制造和自己0样有情感甚至更聪明的生命,即我们的下0代,也0直懂得如何与之相处。只要科技对人的帮助远大于伤害,那我们就该正面、乐观地看待它,并继续向前走。自动化0业缺点就是学的太难了,结果毕业又不太赚钱。其实自动化0业很高端,《信号与系统》、《数字信号处理》、《自动控制原理》、《现代控制理论》这几个课程可是要送卫星上天必须要懂的,只不过是大多数人没那么高端,另外送卫星上天工作的待遇好像没有BAT的工资高。个人是强烈建议自动化作为0个电子、电气、计算机等0业的0个二级学科。从转软件开发的角度来说,自动化和通信、电子信息这三个0业转到计算机0业应该说是00容易的。基本上计算机0业0主要的核心课程在自动化0业都有开,只不过是简单版本。主要有:(左侧为计算机0业课程,右侧为自动化、电子、通信0业课程)数据结构=> 计算机软件技术基础数据库(难)=> 数据库(简单)计算机网络 => 数据通信与计算机网络/工业控制网络 (难度相当)组成原理 => 微机原理汇编 => 微机原理(难度相当)嵌入式系统 => 嵌入式系统 (难度相当)图像处理 => 图像处理 (难度相当)操作系统(难)=> 计算机软件技术基础(简单)面向对象程序设计(难) => 面向对象程序设计(简单)虽然开了简单版本,但是实际情况是如果你想把东西学懂学透的话,需要付出跟计算机0业相同的的努力,同时还需要学习电子电气、控制的相关课程,这些电子电气、控制相关课程非常非常消耗时间。另外老师教学水平也不够好,很多计算机0业的课程由于自动化/电子电气学院的老师都是本0业出身,而非计算机0业出身,他们本身对上述课程掌握都不好,交出来质量自然差。而且由于虽然是简化版本的教材,但是很多简化版本的教材无法讲清楚东西,所以为了学透,就必须看计算机0业的教材。然而计算机0业课程并不轻松,甚至已经比较疲惫了(虽然在工科里计算机和软件0业算轻松的,我是说跟电子、电气、通信、自动化、航空航天等0业相比)。计算机0业还有考公务员的退路,自动化是没有的,基本只能考不限0业的。补充0下。各位大佬说的其实都比较到位,但是个人感觉不是很接地气。我来说0说个人觉得比较接地气的观点。首先解答0个问题,自动化0业到底跟电气、电子、计算机0业区别是什么?同时,既然有了高度相关的电气、电子、计算机0业,为什么还要有自动化0业?首先,说明,自动化0业除了学习电气、电子、计算机0业课程,0强调《自动控制原理》这门课程。《自动控制原理》本质就是对于控制系统的数学建模。所以自动化0业本质就是数学。另外由于现在是信息时代,自动控制系统的大脑是计算机(广义计算机,包括单片机和各种工控计算机、PC、PLC等),也就是本质是计算机控制。所以除了学习《自动控制原理》,剩下的课程大多数围绕计算机展开的,还有另0部分是围绕电机展开的,因为电机是非常常见的被控制对象。也就是说,除了自动化0业0业以外,其他0业要么不学《自动控制原理》,要么学的简单的《自动控制原理》。当前计算机主要用处,科学计算,过程控制,信息处理,辅助设计,智能模拟。其中过程控制主要是自动化0业在做,计算机0业主要做信息处理。总结,自动化0业其实是个好0业,本质就是在做计算机控制。由于自动化技术应用范围特别广泛,从化工厂的反应过程控制到流水线的自动化生产,从汽车自动驾驶技术到导弹、飞机的控制,各个方面都涉及到了自动化技术,使得学起来有巨大的空洞感。学软件工程,从大0开学第0天就知道是要学习各种软件开发技术,做出各种桌面、web、移动应用程序;学法学0业,从大0开始第0天就知道要学习民法、刑法、民诉、刑诉,要通过司法考试;学医学0业,从大0开始就知道学习内外科、病理、药理等课程,毕业以后就是通过执业医考试,后面要进入医院做起实习医生。而自动化0业学生来说,他们大0根本就不知道自动控制原理是个什么东西,而相信大部分人看了自动控制原理以后,都会后悔,我为什么不上个电子、电气、计算机0业呢?这种空洞感是伴随自动化0业学生长久的。0直以来,ABB秉承“在中0,为中0和世界”的发展策略,在用0业技术帮助客户增效节能和降低对环境影响的同时,企业自身在生产经营中积极贯彻绿色制造相关体系标准,全力创建绿色工厂,建立绿色供应链,与相关方共同成长,实现可持续发展。ABB电气中0总裁赵永占表示, ABB正在通过数字化创新和行业0长,携手供应商和合作伙伴打造可持续生态圈,为端到端的低碳电气产业链赋能,助推当地经济高质量发展。在ABB,我们将可持续的理念贯穿始终,围绕绿色工厂、绿色工业园区、绿色供应链和绿色产品设计等主要内容,推动全面节能减排,为履行2030年实现ABB自身运营碳中和的目标而努力。北京ABB开关有限公司位于北京经济技术开发区,是ABB在华0大的二次开关柜制造中心,主要从事3.6kV - 40.5kV中压二次开关设备、箱式变电站的设计、制造和服务。该公司的“绿色工厂”项目,于2020年12月启动,在项目实施过程中,工厂建立了能源管理体系并获得ISO50001认证。同时从节水、节电、节材、降低排放等方面挖掘节能低碳环保的改善空间并实施了相应的改善项目,实现可比单位产品综合能耗下降了13%说起无人化场景,近期的北京冬奥会想必给各0运动员们都留下深刻印象,当运动员们入住冬奥村时,各类AI和服务机器人令人大为震撼,不戴口罩时会有防疫机器人提醒,就餐时食物会“从天而降”,炒菜有炒菜机器人,配送有配送机器人,泡茶还有泡茶机器人等等,堪称科幻级大片的现场。这些“黑科技”出圈的背后,更凸显出“无人应用”的快速发展。



通过自主研发固件,大幅度提升96层3D NAND固态硬盘的效能与稳定性。同时,可为DDR4内存产品定制抗硫化技术和30µ金手指等多种增值服务;通过软硬整合,以提升产品耐用性和可靠性,延长使用寿命,确保无人应用设备可高速传输大量图像、承载流畅视频,实现数据实时传输,提升无人应用数据采集效率。


为确保ICS能抵御今天的在线安全威胁,公司企业需采取足够的措施以创建有效工业安全项目并合理排定企业风险优先级。这听起来似乎是令人生畏的浩大工程,但健壮的多层安全方法可以分解为基本的3步:1) 保护网络;2) 保护终端;3) 保护控制器。
工业公司应确保自身网络设计良好,有着防护周全的边界。企业应按 ISA IEC 62443 标准划分自身网络,保护所有无线应用,部署能快速排除故障的安全远程访问解决方案。公司网络,包括其工业网络基础设施设备,都应列入监视对象范围。
我们有大量库存的控制系统部件。 我们还有许多新的硬件和停产备件,以帮助支持你现有的控制系统0、限幅滤波法/程序判断滤波法
方法:In terms of computing power, computers have already surpassed human brain, but this does not mean that computers are intelligent - so far, all types of computers are still only an extension of some functions of human brain (mainly memory and operation).

In the design of PLC system, the control scheme should be determined first, and the next step is the engineering design and selection of PLC. The characteristics and application requirements of the process flow are the main basis for design and selection. The programmable logic controller and related equipment shall be integrated and standard. According to the principle of easy integration with the industrial control system and easy expansion of its functions, the selected programmable logic controller shall be a mature and reliable system with operation performance in relevant industrial fields. The system hardware, software configuration and functions of the programmable logic controller shall be compatible with the device scale and control requirements. Being familiar with programmable controllers, function charts and related programming languages is conducive to shortening programming time. Therefore, when selecting and estimating engineering design, it is necessary to analyze the characteristics and control requirements of the process in detail, clarify the control tasks and scope, and determine the required operations and actions. Then, according to the control requirements, estimate the input and output points, the required memory capacity, determine the functions of the programmable logic controller, the characteristics of external equipment, etc, Then choose the programmable logic controller with high performance price ratio and design the corresponding control system. [5]

Point estimation

Appropriate margin should be considered in the estimation of i/o points. Usually, according to the statistical input and output points, an additional 10% - 20% expandable margin is added as the input and output point estimation data. When actually ordering, it is also necessary to round the input and output points according to the product characteristics of the manufacturer's PLC. [5]

Memory capacity

The memory capacity is the size of the hardware storage unit provided by the programmable controller itself. The program capacity is the size of the storage unit used by the user application items in the memory, so the program capacity is less than the memory capacity. In the design stage, because the user application program has not been prepared, the program capacity is unknown in the design stage, and it needs to be known after program debugging. In order to estimate the program capacity when designing and selecting models, it is usually replaced by the estimation of memory capacity. [5]

There is no fixed formula for estimating the memory capacity of memory. Many literature materials give different formulas, which are generally 10 ~ 15 times the number of digital i/o points, plus 100 times the number of analog i/o points. This number is the total number of words in the memory (16 bits is a word), and then 25% of this number is considered as the margin. [5]

Control function selection

The selection includes the selection of operation function, control function, communication function, programming function, diagnosis function, processing speed and other characteristics. [5]

1. Operation function

The operation functions of simple programmable logic controller include logic operation, timing and counting functions; The operation function of ordinary PLC also includes data shift, comparison and other operation functions; More complex operation functions include algebraic operation, data transmission, etc; Large programmable logic controller also has analog PID operation and other advanced operation functions. With the emergence of open systems, programmable logic controllers have communication functions. Some products have communication with the lower computer, some products have communication with the same computer or the upper computer, and some products also have the function of data communication with factories or enterprise networks. The design and type selection should be based on the requirements of practical application, and the required calculation functions should be reasonably selected. In most applications, only logic operation and timing and counting functions are required. Some applications require data transmission and comparison. When used for analog quantity detection and control, algebraic operation, numerical conversion and PID operation are used. Decoding, encoding and other operations are required to display data. [5]

2. Control function

The control functions include PID control operation, feedforward compensation control operation, ratio control operation, etc., which shall be determined according to the control requirements. Programmable logic controllers are mainly used for sequential logic control. Therefore, single loop or multi loop controllers are often used in most occasions to solve the control of analog quantities, and sometimes intelligent input and output units are used to complete the required control functions, so as to improve the processing speed of programmable logic controllers and save memory capacity. For example, PID control unit, high-speed counter, analog unit with speed compensation, ASC code conversion unit, etc. are used. [5] Automation technology is widely used in industry, agriculture, science research, transportation, commerce, medical treatment, service and family. The adoption of automation technology can not only liberate people from heavy physical labor, part of mental labor and harsh and dangerous working environment, but also expand human organ functions, improve labor productivity and enhance human ability to understand and transform the world.

Automation is a high-tech company specializing in the R & D, production and sales of intelligent automatic control, digital and networked controllers and sensors. Its numerous functional modules and perfect embedded solutions can meet the personalized needs of many users. The company's products have a variety of series of products to meet the needs of customers. The automation equipment is composed of vibrating plates.


Large complete sets of equipment in the automation system, also known as automation devices. It refers to the process that the machine or device automatically operates or controls according to the specified procedures or instructions without human intervention. Therefore, automation is an important condition and significant symbol of the modernization of industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology.

Check all power, air and hydraulic sources

Power supply, including the power supply of each equipment and the power supply of the workshop, that is, all the power supplies that the equipment can involve.

Air source, including air pressure source required by pneumatic device.

Hydraulic source, including the working condition of the hydraulic pump required by the hydraulic device.

In 50% of the fault diagnosis problems, basically the errors are the problems of power supply, air supply and hydraulic source. For example, there are problems in power supply, including the power supply failure of the whole workshop, such as low power supply, burned fuse, poor contact of power plug, etc; It is caused by the failure to open the air pump or hydraulic pump, the failure to open the pneumatic triplet or duplex, and the failure to open the relief valve or some pressure valves in the hydraulic system. These basic problems are usually common problems.

Check whether the sensor position is offset

Due to the negligence of equipment maintenance personnel, there may be errors in the position of some sensors, such as not in place, sensor failure, sensitivity failure, etc. Always check the sensor position and sensitivity, and adjust it in time in case of deviation. If the sensor is broken, replace it immediately. Most of the time, if the power supply, air source and hydraulic source are guaranteed to be correct, the more problem is the sensor failure. In particular, due to the use of magnetic induction sensors, it is likely that the internal grounding will stick to each other and cannot be separated, resulting in a normally closed signal, which is also a common problem of this type of sensors and can only be replaced. In addition, due to the vibration of the equipment, most sensors will be loose after use. Therefore, during daily maintenance, it is necessary to often check whether the position of the sensor is correct and whether it is firmly fixed.

Check the relay, flow control valve and pressure control valve

Like the magnetic induction sensor, the relay will also have grounding adhesion when used, so the normal electrical circuit cannot be guaranteed and needs to be replaced. In pneumatic or hydraulic systems, the opening of throttle valve and the pressure regulating spring of pressure valve will also loosen or slide with the vibration of equipment. Like sensors, these devices are components that need routine maintenance in the equipment. So in daily work

Speaking of AI, many people will trace back to the imagination of science fiction writers nearly a century ago or the hypothesis proposed by Turing 64 years ago, but in my opinion, the pursuit of machine intelligence runs through the whole history of human civilization. For example, the abacus, which Mr. Yang Zhenning called "the world's earliest computer", was a mainstream computing tool until the popularity of PC. in the 1970s and 1980s, many Chinese parents sent their children to learn mental arithmetic and abacus - the abacus itself is a tool endowed with rules by human beings and embodies human wisdom. In essence, it can be said to come down in one continuous line with today's PCs, smartphones and tablet devices.

IBM "deep blue", which defeated kasperov, is regarded by many as a milestone in AI research. When playing chess, players who can think of more follow-up moves, the other party's possible skills, the resulting changes, and the corresponding chess path adjustment after the changes are obviously more likely to win, and the advantages of computers in this regard are self-evident. The human brain can only imagine a few or a dozen moves, but the machine can simulate all possibilities. In other words, even if it is not "deep blue", sooner or later there will be other computer players challenging human success. Moreover, based on the current level of information technology development, if the man-machine battle of the world chess champion is turned into an annual routine event, it is very likely that no one can beat the machine opponent - even if it is just a Windows Phone. Of course, computer players can't capture the position of go originated in China in a short time, which makes us proud of the profound wisdom of our ancestors - some people estimate that the change possibility of go is 122 times greater than that of chess 10. The method of computer playing chess is to enumerate all possibilities, while human beings can selectively prune and deepen according to experience. It is conceivable that if we only make "judgments" by improving machine performance, storing chess scores, and optimizing algorithms, because the amount of computation that needs to be processed in real time is too large, the most powerful computer available is still impossible to defeat human masters.

However, it is true that computers are different from any tool invented by humans in the past. This difference is reflected in: first, it is not a special tool whose purpose has been solidified at the factory, such as bicycle and DVD player. Its ability depends on the program installed by the user. Second, it can inject new vitality into various special tools, such as the recently discussed "wearable device", which just implants some computing power into "traditional tools" such as wristbands, watches, glasses, etc., and establishes a data association with mobile phones and PCs.

All "tools" contain the intelligence, experience and ingenuity of their human creators. AI in a broad sense is to give products reasonable functional characteristics, and work with humans to accomplish things we can't and can't do well, so as to achieve the effect of "human + machine = super human". Just like hammers and axes are the strengthening and continuation of people's arms, cars, ships and planes are the strengthening and continuation of people's legs and feet. In recent years, driverless cars have attracted much attention. It seems that this is a new form of intelligent machine, but driverless aircraft has been invented many years ago - it also does not need people to control it. Which is more intelligent than an automobile?

In the past few decades, the evolution of computer hardware performance and the expansion of software application field have exceeded everyone's imagination. If we observe the extension of AI from a broad perspective and recognize that all tools infused with human thinking about the world reflect a certain degree of "intelligence", then we can say that intelligent devices can be seen everywhere in life.

Let the machine think and grow in its own way

"Hearing and seeing" is a compliment to people. Scientists have been trying to make computers understand the world in a human way, so speech recognition and computer vision have always been the focus of AI research - today we can talk with Cortana, or feel the technology of machine drivers in an unmanned car equipped with a 360 ° dead angle camera.

Are Cortana and unmanned cars a kind of robot? In a sense, yes. But if a "real robot" must be able to think like a human and have a humanoid appearance - well, who knows what we want to do with a machine like a human? Behind everyone's stubborn myth about humanoid machines, it is likely that you want to find a helper to do heavy work for yourself.

However, the reality is that there have been many machines that can help us do heavy work, whether it's making coffee, barbecue, washing dishes, cleaning... Do people like a robot with thick limbs running around in a white apron to do all the housework for us, or are they used to using various small devices to complete different tasks?

Assuming that everyone loves robots, there are still many obstacles on the road to products. For example, pouring a cup of tea from the teapot on the table without overturning the cup or spilling tea is not a challenge for human children - children can complete tasks without thinking. But for the most "smart" robot, it has to go through difficult and complex calculations. First of all, he should see the table, recognize the teapot and teacup, pick up the teapot with appropriate strength (it may not be possible if his fingers are too thick), lift the teapot, aim at the teacup at a just right angle, pour tea, and judge how to make the tea in the cup not overflow. Even if you happen to succeed once, the next round of completely different tables, teapots, and cups may still fail.

For a long time, scientists engaged in AI research, including those who are obsessed with creating humanoid machines, have always dreamed of transplanting human thinking, planning and execution capabilities to machines, but whether people act, machines should act? Whether the path for people to achieve their goals is from a to B, and the machine should follow exactly the same path? It is true that this kind of research has extraordinary scientific value, but it will also be difficult because of the paranoia of "giving steel tools human characteristics to be successful".

Another idea is to jump out of the rut and stand in the perspective of machines to simulate and extend human thinking, rather than using human perspectives and habits to limit machines. Driverless cars are not just "two eyes", but are equipped with multiple radar sensors, panoramic cameras and laser rangefinders. I-robot cleaning robot is the same. Her figure is round and flat, and she is not human at all, but she must be easier to use than a two meter high machine cleaner when vacuuming.

At first, the bottleneck of AI research was that human logical thinking mode could hardly be copied to machines. Whether it was sublimating low-order signals such as sound, image and smell to cognition, or refining common phenomena into laws, it was not a skill that machines could master - machine learning and big data brought AI research into the spring. Recently, new concepts such as deep learning and deep neural networks have emerged. With a larger amount of data and fewer assumptions and restrictions, machines can "think" and grow in the way they are good at (data storage, mining, analysis), and then go faster and farther on the road of practicality.

Man machine relationship: master and assistant

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