  • SCXI-1326模块备件参数说明
  • SCXI-1326模块备件参数说明
  • SCXI-1326模块备件参数说明
  • SCXI-1326模块备件参数说明
  • SCXI-1326模块备件参数说明


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关于SCADA系统 塔里木油田是“西气东输”重要的气源地。自2000左右年开始,与“西气东输”相关的油气田地面建设工程在塔里木油田全面展开。天然气作为清洁能源,目前国内需求量显著增加,呈现供不应求的局面。保证安全稳定的能源供应是油气生产的高目标。为了实现这个目标,在自动化生产技术上必须有相应的选择。针对天然气生产领域地域广、节点分散的特点,采用SCADA系统是不二的选择。SCADA系统是近些年来,针对分布式应用而逐渐发展起来的控制系统,它与一般的控制系统有着明显的不同。 首先,SCADA系统的数据源往往是数十个甚至成百上千个,与这些数据源高效通讯是SCADA系统基本也是重要的功能。所谓高效,是指SCADA系统能够与所有的节点建立可靠的通讯联系,同时建立高速的通讯链路。这里的高速并不是指速度,因为通讯网络千差万别,有线与无线,光纤与数传电台,PSTN与CDMA,都有可能在一个通讯网络中同时使用,甚至一个数据包要经过几种通讯网络的传输才能到达。SCADA系统具有将这些通讯网络优化的功能,使数据包能够在短的时间内传输到目的地。 其次,SCADA系统数量众多的数据源在地域上是分散的,这种分散,往往是十几公里,上百公里甚至上千公里。这种地域上的分散对于普通的控制系统来说,影响是极大的,无论是数据的实时性、可靠性以及连续性都是难以得到保障。尤其对于连续性,它是SCADA系统对数据的一种特殊要求,即在通讯中断的情况下,数据能够自动缓存,当通讯恢复时,这些缓存的数据自动补传至数据库,使数据库的所有数据始终保持一定的时间连续性。这种需求有时也称作存储转发功能。 内部集输包括天然气处理与集输两大基本功能。天然气处理集中在处理厂内,相对独立,常用的控制系统包括DCS、SIS、FGS、PLC或ITCC,以及CCTV等生产辅助系统;处理厂外的单井站、集气站、计量间、阀室等则是实现集输功能的重要组成单元,常用的控制系统包括RTU、PLC、SIS,以及气体检漏系统、防腐检测系统等生产辅助系统。 在早期的油气项目中,SCADA系统实际上只包含处理厂外的RTU、PLC等,结构简单,以点对点结构和慢速通讯的方式为主,以单节点的少量数据为主。随着信息技术的发展,SCADA系统的定义有了广泛的外延,尤其是通讯技术的突飞猛进,使得广泛的快速通讯成为可能,因此,一切与生产相关的系统都可能被纳入到SCADA系统中,除了一般的控制系统外,包括地理信息系统、应急广播系统、CCTV系统、防腐检漏系统等等;除此之外,随着数字化油田等信息化应用的需求,SCADA系统还成为生产数据大集中的一个平台,承担为信息化应用提供生产数据的重要职能。因此,目前的SCADA系统的设计与实现要充分的考虑到这些实际的需求,以适应多种需求。SCXI-1326模块备件参数说明 About SCADA system, Tarim Oilfield is an important gas source of "west to East Gas Transmission". Since around 2000, the surface construction projects of oil and gas fields related to the "west to East Gas Transmission" have been carried out in Tarim Oilfield. As a clean energy, the domestic demand for natural gas has increased significantly, showing a situation of short supply. Ensuring safe and stable energy supply is the highest goal of oil and gas production. In order to achieve this goal, there must be corresponding choices in automatic production technology. According to the characteristics of wide area and scattered nodes in the field of natural gas production, SCADA system is the best choice. SCADA system is a control system gradually developed for distributed applications in recent years. It is obviously different from the general control system. Firstly, the data sources of SCADA system are often dozens or even hundreds of thousands. Efficient communication with these data sources is the most basic and important function of SCADA system. The so-called high efficiency means that the SCADA system can establish reliable communication links with all nodes and establish high-speed communication links at the same time. High speed here does not mean absolute speed, because communication networks vary greatly. Wired and wireless, optical fiber and data transmission radio, PSTN and CDMA may be used in one communication network at the same time, and even a data packet can reach only after transmission through several communication networks. SCADA system has the function of optimizing these communication networks, so that data packets can be transmitted to the destination in the shortest time. Secondly, a large number of data sources of SCADA system are geographically dispersed, which is often more than ten kilometers, hundreds of kilometers or even thousands of kilometers. This geographical dispersion has a great impact on the ordinary control system. It is difficult to ensure the real-time, reliability and continuity of data. Especially for continuity, it is a special requirement of SCADA system for data, that is, in the case of communication interruption, the data can be automatically cached. When the communication is restored, these cached data will be automatically transmitted to the database, so that all data in the database can always maintain a certain time continuity. This requirement is sometimes called store and forward function. Internal gathering and transportation includes two basic functions: natural gas treatment and gathering and transportation. Natural gas treatment is centralized in the treatment plant and relatively independent. Common control systems include DCS, SIS, FGS, PLC or ITCC, CCTV and other production auxiliary systems; The single well station, gas gathering station, metering room and valve chamber outside the treatment plant are important components to realize the gathering and transmission function. The commonly used control systems include RTU, PLC and sis, as well as production auxiliary systems such as gas leakage detection system and anti-corrosion detection system. In the early oil and gas projects, SCADA system actually only includes RTU and PLC outside the treatment plant. It has a simple structure, mainly in the form of point-to-point structure and slow communication, and mainly in the form of a small amount of data at a single node. With the development of information technology, the definition of SCADA system has extensive extension, especially the rapid development of communication technology, which makes extensive and rapid communication possible. Therefore, all production related systems may be incorporated into SCADA system, including geographic information system, emergency broadcasting system, CCTV system, anti-corrosion and leak detection system, etc; In addition, with the demand of information applications such as digital oil fields, SCADA system has also become a platform for the concentration of production data, which undertakes the important function of providing production data for information applications. Therefore, the current design and implementation of SCADA system should fully consider these actual needs to meet a variety of needs.












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